Dublin Fringe Festival (artist and curator, with The Volley Ball Club)
A project conceived and curated with fellow artist Nina Tanis. The Volley Ball Club(a collective made of artists and non artists) takes over the Cake Café for the 10 days of the Fringe Festival. Every night a different member of the team is in charge and decides of the decoration, the music, the menu and the mode of interaction be- tween customers and waiters. Some nights, endearing words are the currency, on other nights you might have to engage your waiter in a philosophical discussion to get your cup of tea. An attempt to get ‘personality’ and a sense of hospitality back into the Dublin café scene. A celebration of the risks involved in sharing your personal taste.
2006 Personality Café ‘bosses’ were: George Higgs, Nina Tanis, Fiona Dowling, Thomas O’Connor, Gabriella Kiss, Aris Venetekidis, Caitriona Ni Threasaigh, and John and David Dunne.
’The art of playing. The art of sharing. The art of service. The art of imagination. The art of connection. The art of simplicity… one of the most worthwhile elements of the Fringe.’
Roisin Ingle, Irish Times Magazine, 14th October 2006